My Services include:
- Individual Counselling: I meet with persons who are feeling overwhelmed by intense emotional pain to point of having thoughts of or even having attempted suicide. Emotional pain is manifested in many ways including anxiety, anger, helplessness, hopelessness, and loneliness. I work holistically, helping people to explore and practice healthy ways that really work to deal with the emotional pain that has been driving them to either hurt themselves or to think about taking their own lives.
- Family Counselling: Suicide affects and is impacted by family dynamics may Through family sessions we explore our connections with other and how we can make these into nurturing and supportive relationships. By meeting with significant others we identify, understand, and address helpful and unhelpful family dynamics. Families play an important part in a person's recovery from suicidal pain.
- Couples: I work with couples who want support in dealing with issues affecting the relationship such as suicidal risk, depression, anxiety, intimacy, infidelity, parenting, conflict resolution, and sexuality. I have studied many couples therapy approaches, and integrate the best of the currant approaches in couples therapy. As a parent, and as someone who has worked through successfully the ups and downs of married life for over 40 years, I bring a nonjudgmental attitude, empathy, experience, and knowledge to my couples counselling practice.
- Grief Counselling: Losing a loved one, whether to suicide or any cause of death, can sometimes be a devastating loss. I have many years of indepth experience in guiding persons through the wilderness of grief. As painful as grief can be, I can help you heal and to find new meaning in the wake of losing someone you love.
- Family Constellations: I have certified training in a process called Family Constellations that can help you make a profoundly therapeutic understanding of how your family history affects your current painful issues. Exploring the experience and life events of previous generations often reveals important information that leads to significant healing and decreases suicidal pain. Family Constellations approach works well in individual sessions, as well as with couples, families, and groups.
- General Counselling Approach: I strive to take an integral wholistic approach in my counselling practice. Mine is a relational-existential orientation in which I continually aim to integrate the best of a majority of psychotherapy theories and practices. I believe it is imperative that I bring an attitude of nonjudgmental respect, curiosity, and empathy towards my clients. I continuously consider factors, perspectives, and therapies from the entire field of psychotherapy. My therapeutic approach is integral, and draws from the work of Carl Rogers, Eugene Gendlin, Aaron Beck, Carl Jung, Murray Bowen, Virginia Satir, Marsha Linehan, Harriet Lerner, Sue Johnson, Carol Gilligan, JB Miller, Derald Wing Sue, and Ken Wilber.